> > Just curiousity... what is the ~50pin connector on my Ab040 card for?
> >From what I remember of my AB it has two set of connectors on it both
> of which are through-ports for the connections to the Falcon
> motherboard. And there are the 6 pin jumper sets.
I've seen three AB040 boards and they all had what appears to be a direct
connection to the '040, apart from those through-ports and the jumper set.
Noone seems to know what those pins are connected to, however. :-(
Chalmers University | Why are these | e-mail: rand_at_cd.chalmers.se
of Technology | .signatures | johan_at_rand.thn.htu.se
| so hard to do | WWW/ftp: rand.thn.htu.se
Gothenburg, Sweden | well? | (MGIFv5, QLem, BAD MOOD)
Received on ma. nov. 17 1997 - 14:08:00 CET