SCSI problems

From: Richard Elwell <>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 09:29:11 +0000

A follow up to the message I sent last week from Juergen Kramlofsky :

Juergen Kramlofsky <>
wrote on Mon, 08 Dec 1997 12:

>One of the problems I've mentioned, concerning afterburner and
>Cubase Audio is already solved by the patch AB040FIX.TTP.
>But I would really apreciate it, if you could mention the problem
>with burning CDs to the people on the Falcon040 mailing list.
>It seems that the SCSI-bus is to weak to handle the dataflow, but then
>again, maybe the problem is something totally different.
>The software I have been trying to use is SoundPools CD-Recorder

Can anyone help him. You guys know far more about these things than

Received on ti. des. 09 1997 - 12:27:00 CET

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