On Sat, 10 Jan 1998, Juergen Kramlofsky wrote:
> I recently downloaded the complete Linux-Setup for th Afterburner040
> from Petr Stehliks homepage, I also got the latest Bootstrap from there
> as well.
> But...most of the time I get the following ERROR-message:
> Internal Error: Bad swap-divice
> Trying to free nonexistent swappage
OK. try either comp.os.linux.m68k or other linux-m68k user mailing list.
In the meantime please tell me what kind of hardware you run linux on
(what harddisks, IDE or SCSI, revision of AB40, amount of memory etc)
> I would be glad, if someone could help me with that, or even better, if
> someone could let me know where I can find a Linux-package, that doesn't
> need much or any configuration.
:-)) perhaps you mean a Linux-m68k distribution? Anyway, Linux is a
Unix-like operating system - it will always need some knowledge and
configuration, I'm afraid.
WWW: http://ft3.zlin.vutbr.cz/stehlik/home.htm PARCP developer
e-mail: stehlik_at_cas3.zlin.vutbr.cz MiNTOS/Linux user
mirror: http://www.cyberstrider.org/mirrors/stehlik/ AfterBurner040 owner
Received on sø. jan. 11 1998 - 23:31:00 CET