On March 12, the message count on this list reached 3000!
Yes, that's right. More than three thousand messages have been posted to
this list since it started a year and a half ago.
We reached one thousand after about four months, but unfortunately it
seems like I forgot to post anything when we passed 2000.
The honour of posting the historic letter goes to...
<thundering drum roll>
...Jo Even Skarstein!
In celebration of this occasion, here is a breakdown by country of the
current list members (in order of appearance):
Sweden 6 (6)
Norway 2 (2)
USA 13 (8) (.edu/.com/.net are not always US, but...)
Australia 0 (1)
Czech Republic 2 (1)
United Kingdom 8 (5)
France 7 (2)
Finland 1 (1)
Denmark 0 (1)
Germany 9 (6)
Ireland 1 (1)
Spain 2 (0)
Canada 1 (0)
Netherlands 1 (0)
Switzerland 1 (0)
Total 55 (34)
The numbers in parenthesis are from the 1k survey.
Chalmers University | Why are these | e-mail: rand_at_cd.chalmers.se
of Technology | .signatures | johan_at_rand.thn.htu.se
| so hard to do | WWW/ftp: rand.thn.htu.se
Gothenburg, Sweden | well? | (MGIFv5, QLem, BAD MOOD)
Received on ma. mars 30 1998 - 22:00:00 CEST