Quitting Programs

From: Crashforce <cforce_at_argonet.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 03 Apr 1998 13:04:02 +0100


with regard to my email a couple of days ago, i have found out what is
causing it. it is a program called 'wavemaster' by soundpool. it loads and
works ok as an accessory but when programs are quitted or trying to change
screen mode, this seems to crash.

is there a simple reason for this or is it a programming thing?


 __      __              __________________________________________________
/   |\/||__)            /            
\__ |  ||  \  Digital  /                               cforce_at_argonet.co.uk
______________________/  www.argonet.co.uk/users/wbutt/crashforce/index.htm     
Received on on. april 15 1998 - 06:57:00 CEST

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