>On Wed, 6 May 1998, Michael Grove wrote:
>> What about us energy wasters that want to know how to disable the NOVA
>> screen blanker (not the videl blanker in the tool kit) so we can run
>> Screen Artist again:). I find no options in the NOVA configuration tools
>> that allow this.
>Set the delay to 0 minutes.
>** Jo Even Skarstein http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~josk/
>** beer - maria mckee - atari falcon - babylon 5
Ahhhh, you made me go back and look through some older versions:). I
didn't have the STA_VDI.INF in the autofolder (actually never seen
it:). Gezzz, I have had the card this long and...... Looks like there
are some more goodies to play with as well.
Received on to. mai 07 1998 - 14:47:00 CEST