Objet : TOS for 040

From: Laurent Favard <LF_at_yoda.france2.fr>
Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 11:40:54 +0200

i didn't know somes people was talking about to use the Milan TOS for the AB040, but
sure i didn't expect it was able to run with our board !

BUT, i hope, that Milan Gmbh who have got a TOS licence, will continue and release it
one day a new TOS ( 5 ? or 6 ?).

does anyone know if it is only a dream or if it's possible to get in the future a new TOS for Falcon (+AB040)....I use Magic 5, naturally !, but a new TOS could fix a lot of bugs and bring new things.
Received on ma. mai 25 1998 - 13:10:00 CEST

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