On Fri, 12 Jun 1998, Magnus Kollberg wrote:
> > This jumper is there for the BGO/BGI witch comme from the 68030 and goes to
> > the falcon mother board. If you remove this jumper, the 68030 can't take
> > possesion of the falcon bus so the computer doesn't boot because the 68030
> > ask for the bus but never receive BGACK because the combel doesn't receive
> > BG signal.
> > 68030 ->expansion_bus->jumper->falcon mother board (combel)
> Exactly, that is why I can't see how removing the jumper would make the
> Nova invisible. It would make the whole Falcon invisible! :-)
Read my posting again, you're *not* supposed to remove the jumper on
the Nova. The point is to jumper the AB *as well* as the Nova.
** Jo Even Skarstein
** beer - maria mckee - atari falcon - babylon 5
Received on ma. juni 15 1998 - 00:43:22 CEST