On Fri, 19 Jun 1998 10:02:55 +0200 (CEST), Jo Even Skarstein wrote:
JES>> [2] I plan to burn the TOS 4.04 that is found in FastRAM after patching
JES>> by Doug's ToolKit 5.07. I can do anything else in the TOS, just tell me.
JES>Just a question: Is the patched TOS independent of fastRAM-configuration?
Yes, I believe so. The TOS would not know about FastRAM.
JES>> work on Afterburner without additional software patches.
JES>Hmmm... I'd rather see this working before buying ;-) I would prefer a
I would like to show you first, too. But there's the problem with price
of PROM if I bought just one or two. Though there's a solution. Magnus?
JES>patched, CPU-independent TOS with graphics-card initialisation and no
JES>PMMU-stuff, and a software-patch that sets up fastRAM and caches.
Yes, that's what I meant. The TOS will be CPU-independent, that's the
most important thing. The _CPU and _FPU will probably be set to correct
68040 values. PMMU would be set to I don't know what. We will have to
discuss and try out that.
E-mail: stehlik_at_cas3.zlin.vutbr.cz PARCP developer
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mirror: http://www.stehlik.cyberstrider.org/ Atari Falcon040
Received on lø. juni 20 1998 - 11:32:00 CEST