Well I am really reluctant to try a newer HDDRIVER than 6.13 from Auto
folder after the trouble I had with 7.02.
I haven't looked at it lately as I am busy getting ready to transfer to
Tokyo, but I just had one thought... HDDRIVER now has an option to
supplant the SCSIDRV.PRG from GEMAR etc. This presumably needs a XFRB...
and I wonder if you configure with XFRB off but SCSIDRV on whether it
quietly allows the XFRB anyway??
(I'm tempted to try the new ICD drivers when/if they come out of test as
ICD PRO 6.5.5 served me well for a long time before I got the AB040.)
Received on sø. juli 26 1998 - 01:39:00 CEST