Re: Trials and Tribs...The Saga continues

From: <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 11:18:54 GMT

>In the continuing, progressively more boring saga that is my
>Nemesis/Falcon difficulties.

Maybe a silly Idea, but are you sure Cubase was running oke before the Nemesis modification? A few years back I had similar problems wich were caused by a faulty update. It turned out that behind my Mixermaps were other mixers hidden. Cubase went nuts. When I trew away the mixers and replaced them with a complete new set of mixers the troubles were suddenly over. This was on a stock Falcon. You mention that the other audio programs have no troubles so maybe it is in the soft itself. Wich version of Cubase do you use? Wich version of the Mros driver?

Greetz Michael.

----------------------------------------------Atari Dealer/Holland
Musicshop de STaar
Spectra Sound Recording Studio
1x Falcon Afterburner 040 + Nova Mach64
2x falcon 030/14Mb/15Gig
24 Dig in/ 24 dig out to Yamaha 02R
Received on ti. juli 28 1998 - 18:30:00 CEST

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