Re: New AB user + Question

From: Michael Grove <>
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 12:06:00 -0700 (PDT)

>>>machine has to be rebooted. The STiNG dialer is really fussy. It may
>>That's not only a problem of your falcon. This does also happen with my
>>setup. I think it's a general bug in STinG although Peter says that it
>>is ATARI's fault.
>I don't think it's a problem with STing. My setup uses PPP connect
>from ASH and I have the same dail problems. I can only dial with
>both my cashes off. Wenn however the machine dials then I can
>switc>h the cashes back on. Is there somebody who can shed some
> light on this?
>Greetz Michael.
>Atari Dealer/Holland
>Musicshop de STaar
>Spectra Sound Recording Studio
>1x Falcon Afterburner 040 + Nova Mach64
>2x falcon 030/14Mb/15Gig
>24 Dig in/ 24 dig out to Yamaha 02R

I still have problems on my Mighty Sonic Falcon. I haven't tried to
disable the 030 cache however to see if that is the problem. Connect
and other comms applications have no problem.

Frank, thanks for the tip about Thing 1.09. V1.27 is pretty cool. Now
how do I get the "shareware" flags off my desktop?:).

Also thanks to Jo for the English N_AES RSC files (and the included
N_AES.CFN). Then seem to work fine with V1.1.6.

Received on to. aug. 27 1998 - 21:44:00 CEST

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