I'm looking to set up a MiNT system (as an eventual replacement for
MagiC) and have a few questions:
the system comprises of an AB040 with Nova.
What should be the Auto sequence?
As HD driver (7.71) refuses to boot my syquest I have put Mint/Magic
on the same partition (C) and am looking to boot via the STOOP boot
manager, and then eventually assign two syquest partions as minix,
will this work?
Ideally of course I'd boot up the syquest with MinT configured, but
HD driver doesn't want to play :(
help will be appreciated, thanks in advance!
for Texel.Hyp / Papyrus.Hyp and the
unofficial Photoline.Hyp
AB040 Nemesised and NOVAed Falcon running MagiC 6.
Received on to. mai 27 1999 - 18:43:12 CEST