Some fVDI/Eclipse benchmarks

From: Johan Klockars <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 14:01:57 +0200 (MET DST)

Here are the benchmarks I promised earlier.
Note that this is with the current versions of fVDI, the device driver
and the Eclipse logic programming.
All numbers are likely to change in the future.
               fVDI screen- no blits screencache
               doblit +CB cache +CB scr->RAM +CB and NVDI
Dialog 697 617
Normal text 4656 4966 3725
Text effects 4966 5745 3329
Small text 4592 4960 3024
Graphics 1188 1201 1188
Window 961 903
Blit 46 49 2289 188 2289
Scroll 2542 2459
Justified 3064 3275 1623
Queries 1281 1781 1171
New dialogs 257 274 600 678 426 463 553

An empty place refers to one of the first two columns (depending on +CB).

This is with fVDI running in 1024x768x16bit_at_60Hz on a Falcon+AB040 at 32/16MHz,
compared to a standard Falcon running at 640x480x8bit (standard GEMBench

doblit - Force fVDI to actually do screen->RAM blits.
              (the default is to not do them due to earlier problems)
+CB - Same as previous column, but with the cache in copyback mode.
screencache - Screen->RAM blits (and back again) are handled on the card only.
no blits - Screen->RAM blits are not done, but the reverse ones are.
              (Obviously this won't always look very nice.)

When NVDI is used together with fVDI in the way done here, it takes over
all text rendering. That is, you'll have access to all its outline fonts
and such things. Naturally, all printer drivers etc are also available.

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