Re: N_AES 2.0

From: Oliver Skelton <>
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 19:33:07 +0900

To quickly add to my post before anybody replies...

The CD is an option. Looked today on unix at the MiNT distribution. Looks
like it has everything I have heard of from TAF to KGMD. Over 300MB on the
CD. I haven't a clue where to start with that lot!

Further questions:

1. I presume I should install the 030 version.

2. What exactly is the difference between the previous version and
N_AES V2? (I looked at Woller's website and a few others but didn't see any
history. I am wondering if there are wonderful new features or if it is
just more stable (if there was room for more stability).

Received on ma. des. 20 1999 - 19:18:06 CET

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