Falcon040-ml.mbox by subject
- $179.00 060's
- (fwd) FS: AB40
- (Fwd) Fwd: AB040 and Cubase Audio
- 040 caches
- 040/snoop/MI/timing on AB
- 060
- 060 (again)
- 060 adapter
- 060 adapter pic
- 060 Apple card for PC
- 060 on an AB 040...
- 060 update
- 060: Full diagnostics working, more to follow
- 060: On small step
- 060: system starting up now
- 10% faster ST-Ram access
- 120 Meg SuperDrive and the Falcon
- 2nd question: CD writing
- 4.04 Image
- 48Mb fast-RAM
- 68060
- 68060 and diagnostics
- 68060?
- <no subject>
- [F040] Afterburner problem.
- [F040] does it work ?
- [F040] HD-Driver
- [F040] NOVA and LCD display
- [F040] Nova resolutions and AB040/nemesis
- [Fwd: 68060]
- `System stack overflow' crash?
- A few questions
- A few questions...
- A few questions... (Thanks!)
- A little update for check68k
- a simple question of apex
- A small programming question 030 vs 040/060
- A Stock Falcon Question.
- A/B and Falcon Speed
- A/B and SCSI scanners
- A/B and Simms
- A/B bus sizing
- A/B's MC88915
- AB + CAF
- AB again...
- AB and 060
- AB and Falcon Died
- AB and floppy drives
- AB and MagiC
- AB and Nemesis
- AB memory
- AB Toolkit
- AB Toolkit tests
- AB040 (new) for sale
- AB040 And floppy disk
- AB040 board
- AB040 connectors
- AB040 expansion port
- AB040 expansion port pinout
- AB040 Jumpers
- AB040 Jumpers -REPONSE
- AB040 problems
- AB040 Toolkit 4.09
- AB040/CD-Rom?
- AB040/Nemesis and floppy
- AB040RC
- ACC TOS launcher
- Activision and Atari Corp.
- Afterburner and Linux
- Afterburner owners
- All's well that ends well ;-)
- Aniplay
- Anyone using Mymail?
- apex alpha
- Apex and Nova
- Arrrgh! Magic!
- Atari may be have been sold !!
- Atari not yet sold :-(
- Atari sold ??!!
- atari works?
- Atari-filesystem for Linux
- Atari800 emulator
- ATI cards
- ATI Mach 64 cards
- Audio dev + RAP
- AVI/MOV players
- AVIPlayer
- AW: AW: New AB user + Question
- AW: New AB user + Question
- AW: PCI graphics card
- Benchmarking
- Blank Screen
- blitter, CPU cache, NOVA, TOS
- Booting first time...
- BSS Upgrades & German Fair info
- Buffer mod...
- Burning CDs
- bus sizing
- CAB 2 and animated gifs
- CAF and patches... (the other patch)
- Calamus and CDrom
- cardridge
- cartridge diag
- cartridge diagnostic
- CD Burning on the Falcon040
- Change or email address
- Check the processor
- coax wire for Nemesis mod
- compatible??
- Concealed
- converting to mpeg2
- Copyback and CPX modules
- Cubase and it's Nemesis...
- Cubase and it's Nemesis...Part II
- DEE on the Afterburner.
- diag cartridge falcon
- Disk formatting in MagiC
- DMA Errors - weird fix?
- DMA resistor
- do you like this idea?
- does it work ?
- double bytes
- DSP at 50 MHz
- DSP overclocking
- DSP port
- DSP stability
- Dying Falcon...
- Eclipse colour problem
- email address
- Encrypting and decrypting of mails in a mailing list
- EPROM...TOS sources ?
- ET4000 ISA card
- Expose digitizer
- Expose documentation
- ExtenDOS
- Falcon boot sequence
- Falcon diagnostic cartridge
- Falcon internal expansion
- Falcon is back!
- Falcon040 and Nova-Falcon
- Fast RAM buffers
- Fed up
- few questions about MK-X
- finally proper Linux booter
- First question: Eclipse
- First question: Eclipse (fwd)
- Fixing the Falc...
- fl* illegal blocks
- Floppy working?!?
- Floppy- and SCSI-problem
- for ALL magic 5.13 users
- For Sale
- FPU accel
- FPU problems
- FreeMiNT 1.14.7 for AB040
- Frontier Elite II
- Further Eclipse question
- fVDI
- game list for greg evans
- Games by Omikronman
- Geir's web-page
- GEMAR - some info
- Gone racing
- Got my MK-X, but...
- Got too greedy... dead machine?
- GREAT NEWS! ! ! !
- Hades, memory access etc
- Hades060/68 MHz Nembench
- Happy Xmas
- Hard disk Drivers
- Has this list moved to another address?
- HD Driver 7.53/.54
- HD Driver V7.55
- HD-Driver 7.00
- HDDriver
- HDDriver 7
- HDDRIVER 7 - now what?
- HDDRIVER 7.02 and partition info
- HDDRiver 7.55
- HDDriver 7.71
- HDDRIVER caching of partition info
- Hello
- Hello All
- Hello Doug???
- Help from the 040er's?
- Help with server
- Help!
- Help! I need sombody!
- Help!!! i've got BIG troubles
- Hints on causes of crashes?
- Hooray!...it's working!
- How to buy a cheap Nova card
- how to subscribe
- I got the NOVA - still need the Mach64
- I'm still in TROUBLES
- incredible !
- incredible ! -REPONSE
- Inductors
- Interrupt problems
- Invitation to join magic_os_at_onelist.com
- Is anyone out there?
- Is this normal!!
- Joy pages OK, new Linux kernels
- Just some bragging...
- kind soul
- Kirk to Spock
- LC A/B-Nemesis fixed?
- Linux
- Linux 040
- Linux and AB040
- Linux kernel
- Linux on Afterburner040
- List server working again
- M6
- MACH chip question
- mach64
- Mach64 card at last!
- Mach64 init
- Mach64 wanted :-)
- Magic
- Magic 5.13 problems
- Magic 5.13 problems -REPONSE -REPONSE -REPONSE
- Magic 5.x And AB040
- Magic 6
- MagiC again
- Magic and background picture
- MagiC and fastRAM
- MagiC and TK 5.07
- MagiC protection, again!
- MagiC vs. N.AES
- MagiC with TK 5.09
- magic's kernel burnning into a rom
- MagiC/AB040/Nova
- Mailing list archive?
- Memories
- Memory
- Memory access
- Memory on AB
- Memory protection
- MetaDOS
- Milan
- Milan at Atari paris sowh - 6,7 december 1997
- Milan chat
- Milan motherboard
- Mini 3D demo in C++
- Mint questions
- MMU questions?
- Modifications to toolkit?
- More info on SCSI errors
- More than 3000 messages posted!
- Moving the list elsewhere
- MPEG Player
- MPEG3/4
- MultiTos on ab040
- My AB040 resurected but is still
- My B doesn't work at 20/40 ?
- My Falcon died...
- My poor Falcon PSU
- N.AES + Freedom2
- N.AES 1.2.0
- N_AES 2.0
- Nemesis
- Nemesis hacking
- Nemisis Problems
- Neon 3D and the AB
- neue Email
- Neuss and Raytracers
- New 68060/50 source (sales)
- New AB user + Question
- new ataboot version
- new precompiled Linux kernel!
- new TOS PROM for Falcon040!
- new TOS PROM for Falcon040!]
- No floppy under MiNT
- no icons
- NOVA & 14mb ST RAM
- NOVA + ET4000
- NOVA 15,16bpp
- Nova and AB
- NOVA and nemesis?
- NOVA bug?
- NOVA card
- Nova card and memory
- Nova Card and Papurys and Cab
- Nova card and XBOOT
- Nova card in a CLAB case?
- Nova card in the States
- Nova card on accelerated Falcons
- Nova card question
- Nova cards
- NOVA drivers and programming
- Nova graphics card
- Nova graphics cards
- NOVA hardware cursor?
- Nova problems
- NOVA programming
- Nova resolutions and AB040/nemesis
- Nova VDI
- NOVA VESA screensaver
- NOVA!!! :-)
- NOVA's and v-consoles, games etc.
- Nova/Videl switch
- NovaVDI
- Objet : Soundcard working :-))
- Objet : TOS for 040
- Of Topic
- off-topic
- Old ATI cards]
- Oooooeeeeoooooo....
- OpenGL is here at last - almost
- OpenGL/MesaGL -> TosGL?
- Out of Office AutoReply: A/B bus sizing
- Oxo
- PAL/NTSC question
- Papyrus text import module packed?
- Partition sizes
- PCI graphics card
- Pentium FPU eror found!!
- Play games in a window or on a GFX card
- Porting DOOM...
- Porting DOOM... (fwd)
- Porting ShapeShifter
- Problem with the list cleared up (hopefully)
- Probleme find !!!
- Probleme find but not resolved!
- Programming an 040
- programming NOVA gfx
- Prototype 060 computer
- Q:040/060 MMU and Snooping
- Quake/Doom/Nova
- Question number 3: HDDriver
- Quitting Programs
- RAM jumpers
- RC or LC?
- Replacing TV connector with S-Video
- Reset-button
- Reset-button (again...)
- Resetting DC Offset
- ROM-Chip
- Running and the AB040
- Running Cubase (CAF) on AB040
- samples
- SCC replacement
- ScreenEye & Pure C
- SCSI CD-ROM - please help
- SCSI CD-ROM again
- SCSI errors
- SCSI Ethernet anyone?
- SCSI problems
- SCSI/DMA problems
- SIMM 32 MB :-(
- SIMM 32MB - giving up
- SIMM 32MB - giving up -REPONSE
- SIMM 32MB - giving up -REPONSE -REPONSE
- Slow Disk access/No TC on Nemesis
- Snooping on the A/B
- Some fVDI/Eclipse benchmarks
- Some hardware plans that I can across.
- Some questions I need answered
- Soundcard working :-))
- sources ?
- Speed Limit
- Speed of RAM - second simm possibly slower?
- ST RAM w/AB040 & Nova
- ST-RAM 10 MB
- ST/TT/Falcon emulation
- Still floppy problems...
- Strange results with MPEG player
- subscribe
- Super Buffer Mod
- SV: Got too greedy... dead machine?
- SV: Mach64 card at last!
- TCache
- Tell them you want Quake!
- Thanks
- The mailing list will be on its own for a while
- Thing 1.27
- This will be my last post...
- tk 4.09 and config tool for tk 5.07
- TK 5.05 <-> 5.07
- TK5.04
- Took Kit request
- Toolkit 4.09
- ToolKit 4.09 source code
- TOS 4.02
- TOS 5 & 6
- TOS for 040
- Trials and Tribs...The Saga continues
- two SIMMs
- Unidentified subject!
- Unidentified subject!)
- update of Linux files on my WWW
- update of TOS 4.04
- Videl Inside....
- videlity resolutions with nemisis
- VS: Overlooked something
- We're on a roll
- Welcome to list 'falcon040'
- WG: New AB user + Question
- WG: WG: New AB user + Question
- What causes this?
- What is a Cluster?
- Where are they now: Atari's Wizards
- Where'd they go???
- Who's attending NAS 98?
- Will the Falc boot without floppy or IDE?
- Willie's Adventures...
- WINmulator 030
- Working again
- working Mach64
- Wow...
- Writeprotect MagiC
- www.woller.com
- XFRB buffer
- XFRB problems?
- XMMU-cookie with TK 5
- Yamaha soundcard
- Last message date: ti. jan. 09 2001 - 19:19:05 CET
- Archived on: ti. nov. 03 2015 - 20:07:54 CET