Download: jclock-0.1.zip
Displays time, date and calendar for this + next two months in a text terminal. NB! This is a very small and simple application that does not use termcap/terminfo, it is hardcoded to VT52/ST52/TW52/TW100 terminals. Works in colour and mono modes, any terminal size as long as it's big enough.
Install and run
Start jclock.prg from a shell. Starting it from the desktop should also work as long as the TERM environment variable is set to the correct value. It has an optional configuration file "jclock.cnf", copy this to /etc if you want to customise the looks of jclock. The configuration file allows you to change the colours of the various elements, and create your own ASCII font for the clock. See the included jclock.cnf for details.
Dec. 2024, joska@online.no