
Download: jtop-1.0.zip

As the ancient MiNTOS/KGMD top no longer works on recent kernels I wrote my own basic top-like tool. It is a very lightweight program with only the features I use myself, and is limited to VT52/ST52/TW52/TW100 terminals.

Install and run

Copy jtop to somewhere in your $PATH. Run jtop --help for instructions, jtop --create-config <file> to create a configuration file. The configuration file allows you to specify which columns to display, in which order to display them, what colours to use for the different elements (colour settings ignored when less than 16 colours are available) and which keys to use for the various functions. See the configuration file for details.


jtop shows a list of all running processes. If the list is longer than the height of the terminal you will have to scroll using the up/down cursor keys to see the entire list. When you use the cursor key the selected row will be highlighted, you can then send some signals to the selected process by pressing the following keys: Press "d" to reverse the current sorting order of the process list. Press F10 to select which column to sort by. A list of the available columns will now the displayed to the left, use the up/down cursor keys and Enter to select column.

The keys can be configured in the configuration file.

Dec. 2024, joska@online.no